Bau- und Schaltungsbeschreibung:
Eine (silikonvergossene) RGB-LED Leiste wurde in 9 Teilstücke a 3 LEDs (in Serie geschaltet ) zerteilt, und diese (parallel geschaltet) in regelmäßigen Abständen an der Rückseite eines Bilderrahmens angebracht.Das geöffnete Modul ohne controller:
Das fertige Modul:
Beschreibung der Displayanzeige:
- A = Adresscode der Fernbedienung
- C = letzter Kommandocode der Fernbedienung
- V = eingestellte Helligkeit
- S = eigestellte Geschwindigkeit
- R = PWM Ausgabewert Rot
- G = PWM Ausgabewert Grün
- B = PWM Ausgabewert Blau
Belegung der Fernbedienung:
Bauteil | Typ |
Controller | Atmega8, 28 DIL |
Festspannungswandler 5V | LM7805CT |
Kondensator (lt. Datenblatt für 78xx) | 0.22 µF |
Kondensator (lt. Datenblatt für 78xx) | 0,1 µF |
IR Empfänger Modul (36kHz) | TSOP 1836 |
LCD Display | 16*2 HDD44780 kompatibel |
Kondensator (lt. Datenblatt IR Modul) | 4,7µF |
Widerstand (lt. Datenblatt IR Modul) | 100 Ohm |
IR Universal Fernbedienung RC5 fähig (Phillips) | Vivanco UR12 |
Power MOS FET | IRF520N |
Vorwiderstand MOS FET | 10k Ohm |
RGB Strip | 12V, 30 LEDs, ca.1m |
DIL Sockel |
28 pin |
Der Programmcode:
'* Programm Titel rgb_ir_fader_ATmega8.bas
'* Compiler: BASCOM-AVR v1.11.9.0
'* Processor: Atmel ATmega8
'* Programm Funktion: RGB Fader mittels IR RC5 Fernbedienung
'* Komponenten:
'* ATmega8
'* TSOP 1136 IR Empfangsdiode
'* IR Universal Fernbedienung RC5 fähig (Philips TV)
'* 5V Festspannungswandler 78L05
'* optional LCD Display (HDD44780 kompatibel)
'* RGB LED's
$regfile = "m8def.dat"
$lib "mcsbyte.lbx"
$crystal = 8000000
$hwstack = 64
$swstack = 16
$framesize = 21
'LCD einbinden
Config Lcdpin = Pin , Db4 = Portd.5 , Db5 = Portd.6 , Db6 = Portd.7 , Db7 = Portb.0 , E = Portd.3 , Rs = Portd.4
Config Lcd = 16 * 2
'RC5 (TSOP1836) auf PIN D2 (INT0, Timer0)
Config Rc5 = Pind.2
Enable Interrupts
'Timer1 und Timer2 für PWM Betrieb initialisieren
Config Timer1 = Pwm , Pwm = 8 , Compare A Pwm = Clear Down , Compare B Pwm = Clear Down , Prescale = 1
Config Timer2 = Pwm , Pwm = On , Compare Pwm = Clear Up , Prescale = 1
Config Pinb.3 = Output 'PWM Output rot Timer2
Config Pinb.2 = Output 'PWM Output grün Timer1
Config Pinb.1 = Output 'PWM Output blau Timer1
Enable Timer1
Enable Timer2
Start Timer1
Start Timer2
Out_red Alias Ocr2 'PIN 17 PB3
Out_green Alias Ocr1bl 'PIN 16 PB2
Out_blue Alias Ocr1al 'PIN 15 PB1
Out_red = 0 'Pulsbreite rot = 0
Out_green = 0 'Pulsbreite grün = 0
Out_blue = 0 'Pulsbreite blau = 0
Dim i As Word , j As Word , k As Word , l as Word , m as word , Vol_table2 as Word , Color As Word , prog as Word , red as word , green as word , blue as word , hold as Word
Dim vol_fader_1 as Word , vol_fader_2 as Word , vol_fader_3 as Word , vol_fader_4 as Word , vol_fader_5 as Word , vol_fader_6 as Word
Dim Address As Byte , Command As Byte , Vol As Byte , Speed as Byte
Dim S1 As String * 74 , S_out as String * 16 , S2 as String * 64
Dim Table1(42) as Word
Dim Table2(180) as Word
dim pow(70) as word
dim waiting(10) as word
Declare Sub Color_set_fader(byval Hue As Word)
Declare Sub Check_input
Declare Sub pwm_out_table1
Declare Sub pwm_out_table2
Declare Sub LCD_out
Color = 0
speed = 5
Vol = 40
for k = 0 to 41
Table1(k + 1) = Lookup(k , Table1)
next k
for k = 0 to 14
Table2(k + 1) = Lookup(k , Table2)
next k
for k = 0 to 69
pow(k + 1) = Lookup(k , pow)
next k
for k = 0 to 5
pow(k + 1) = Lookup(k , waiting)
next k
k = 0
Cursor off noblink
locate 1 , 1
lcd "Dr. Lermer"
locate 2 , 1
lcd "electronics"
wait 2
locate 1 , 1
lcd "presents: remote"
locate 2 , 1
lcd "RGB-Fader"
Getrc5(address , Command)
If address = 8 Then 'Code 316 von Universal Fernbedienung UR12 auf AUX1 (Sat Receiver nach RC5 Protokoll)
Command = Command And &B01111111 'toggle bit löschen
end if
'Programm 1 - Hue fader
S1 = "Take a walk through RGB space by cross fading hue values "
i = 0 : l = 1
If prog = 1 Then
vol_fader_1 = 255 * pow(vol + 1) : vol_fader_1 = vol_fader_1 \ 100
vol_fader_2 = 2 * vol_fader_1 'Stützstellen berechnen
vol_fader_3 = 3 * vol_fader_1
vol_fader_4 = 4 * vol_fader_1
vol_fader_5 = 5 * vol_fader_1
vol_fader_6 = 6 * vol_fader_1
k = 1530 \ vol_fader_6
j = i \ k 'bei kleiner Vol gleiche Hue Werte öfter aufrufen
Call Color_set_fader(j)
Incr i
j = i Mod 3 'Fernbedienung bei jedem dritten Durchlauf abfragen
If j = 0 Then
Getrc5(address , Command) : Command = Command And &B01111111
End If
j = i mod 12 'nach jedem 12ten Durchlauf Laufschrift weiterschieben
if j = 0 then
if l > 58 then : l = 1 : end if
Locate 1 , 1
Lcd "V" ; Vol ; " S" ; Speed
Locate 2 , 1
S_out = mid(S1 , l , 16) : LCD S_out
incr l
end if
waitus waiting(speed)
Loop Until i = 1530 Or prog <> 1
End If
'Programm 2 - Zufallszahlen aus Tabelle anzeigen
if prog = 2 then
color = rnd(13) : pwm_out_table1
i = 0
incr i
j = i Mod 3
If j = 0 Then
Getrc5(address , Command) : Command = Command And &B01111111
End If
waitus waiting(speed)
loop until i = 300 or prog <> 2
end if
'Programm 3 - An- und abschwellende leichte Farben anzeigen
S2 = "Enjoy the change in brightness of light colors "
if prog = 3 then
Color = 0 : m = 1
i = 0
vol_fader_1 = 255 * pow(vol + 1) : vol_fader_1 = vol_fader_1 \ 100
k = 255 \ vol_fader_1
j = i \ k
if i = 255 then
incr color
end if
if j < vol_fader_1 then
vol_table2 = vol_fader_1 - j
elseif j > vol_fader_1 then
vol_table2 = j - vol_fader_1
end if
k = i Mod 3 'Fernbedienung bei jedem dritten Durchlauf abfragen
If k = 0 Then
Getrc5(address , Command) : Command = Command And &B01111111
End If
k = i mod 12 'nach jedem 12ten Durchlauf Laufschrift weiterschieben
if k = 0 then
if m > 48 then : m = 1 : end if
Locate 1 , 1
Lcd "V" ; Vol ; " S" ; Speed
Locate 2 , 1
S_out = mid(S2 , m , 16) : LCD S_out
incr m
end if
incr i
waitus waiting(speed)
loop until i = 510 OR prog <> 3
loop until Color = 4 or prog <> 3
end if
'Programm 4 - Farbton einstellen
if prog = 4 then
Getrc5(address , Command) : Command = Command And &B01111111
if command = 85 and out_red > 1 then 'Taste F1 - out_red verringern
out_red = out_red -2 : LCD_out
end if
if command = 86 and out_red < 254 then 'Taste F3 - out_red erhöhen
out_red = out_red + 2 : LCD_out
end if
if command = 60 and out_green > 1 then 'Taste Punkt - out_green verringern
out_green = out_green -2 : LCD_out
end if
if command = 56 and out_red < 255 then 'Taste Exit - out_green erhöhen
out_green = out_green + 1 : LCD_out
end if
if command = 46 and out_blue > 1 then 'Taste Rueckwärts - out_blue verringern
out_blue = out_blue -2 : LCD_out
end if
if command = 42 and out_red < 254 then 'Taste Vorwärts - out_blue erhöhen
out_blue = out_blue + 2 : LCD_out
end if
end IF
end 'Ende Hauptprogramm
Sub Color_set_fader(byval Hue As Word)
If Hue < vol_fader_1 Then
Out_red = vol_fader_1
Out_green = Hue
Out_blue = 0
Elseif Hue < vol_fader_2 Then
Out_red = vol_fader_2 - Hue
Out_green = vol_fader_1
Out_blue = 0
Elseif Hue < vol_fader_3 Then
Out_red = 0
Out_green = vol_fader_1
Out_blue = Hue - vol_fader_2
Elseif Hue < vol_fader_4 Then
Out_red = 0
Out_green = vol_fader_4 - Hue
Out_blue = vol_fader_1
Elseif Hue < vol_fader_5 Then
Out_red = Hue - vol_fader_4
Out_green = 0
Out_blue = vol_fader_1
Elseif Hue < vol_fader_6 Then
Out_red = vol_fader_1
Out_green = 0
Out_blue = vol_fader_6 - Hue
End If
End Sub
Sub Check_input()
If Command = 12 Then
prog = 0 ' Power Taste - alles auf 0
Out_red = 0
Out_blue = 0
Out_green = 0
End If
If Command = 1 Then ' Taste 1 - rote LED einschalten
prog = 0 : Color = 0 : pwm_out_table1
End If
If Command = 2 Then
prog = 0 : Color = 1 : pwm_out_table1 ' Taste 2 - grüne LED einschalten
End If
If Command = 3 Then ' Taste 3 - blaue LED einschalten
prog = 0 : Color = 2 : pwm_out_table1
End If
If Command = 4 Then ' Taste 4 - Farbe Hellviolett mischen [162, 65, 106]
prog = 0 : Color = 3 : pwm_out_table1
End If
If Command = 5 Then ' Taste 5 - Farbe Cyan mischen [48, 136 , 122]
prog = 0 : Color = 4 : pwm_out_table1
End If
If Command = 6 Then ' Taste 6 - Farbe weiß mischen
prog = 0 : Color = 5 : pwm_out_table1
End If
If Command = 7 Then ' Taste 7 - Fader
prog = 1
End If
If Command = 8 Then ' Taste 8 - Zufallsfarben
prog = 2
End If
If Command = 9 Then ' Taste 9 - Abfolge leichter Farben
prog = 3
End If
If Command = 82 Then ' Taste Menu - Farben mit Funktionstasten einstellen
prog = 4
Out_red = 127
Out_blue = 127
Out_green = 127
End If
If Command = 16 And Vol < 70 Then ' Vol.+ Taste gedrückt - Helligkeit rauf
Vol = vol + 1
select case prog
case 0 : pwm_out_table1
case 1 : i = 1530
case 2 : pwm_out_table1
case 3 : j = 510
End If
If Command = 17 And Vol > 0 Then ' Vol.- Taste gedrückt - Helligkeit runter
Vol = vol - 1
select case prog
case 0 : pwm_out_table1
case 1 : i = 1530
case 2 : pwm_out_table1
case 3 : j = 510
End If
If Command = 32 And speed < 10 Then
speed = speed + 1 ' Ch. + Taste - Geschwindigkeit erhöhen
End If
If Command = 33 And speed > 0 Then
speed = speed - 1 ' Ch. - Taste - Geschwindigkeit vermindern
End If
End Sub
sub pwm_out_table1()
l = Color * 3
red = Table1(l + 1) * pow(vol + 1) : red = red \ 100 : Out_red = red
green = Table1(l + 2) * pow(vol + 1) : green = green \ 100 : Out_green = green
blue = Table1(l + 3) * pow(vol + 1) : blue = blue \ 100 : Out_blue = blue
end sub
sub pwm_out_table2()
l = Color * 3
red = Table2(l + 1) * vol_table2 : red = red \ 255 : Out_red = red
green = Table2(l + 2) * vol_table2 : green = green \ 255 : Out_green = green
blue = Table2(l + 3) * vol_table2 : blue = blue \ 255 : Out_blue = blue
end sub
sub LCD_out
Locate 1 , 1
Lcd "A" ; Address ; " C" ; Command ; " V" ; Vol ; " S" ; Speed
Locate 2 , 1
Lcd "R" ; out_red ; " G" ; Out_green ; " B" ; Out_blue
end sub
data 255% , 0% , 0% , 0% , 255% , 0% , 0% , 0% , 255% , 162% , 65% , 106% , 48% , 136% , 122% , 255% , 255% , 255%
data 154% , 94% , 56% , 142% , 109% , 46% , 113% , 128% , 53% , 61% , 141% , 52% , 43% , 138% , 111% , 80% , 97%
data 204% , 132% , 49% , 194% , 162% , 65% , 106%
data 225% , 139% , 156% , 198% , 174% , 114% , 144% , 199% , 118% , 115% , 199% , 175% , 151% , 162% , 255%
data 12% , 13% , 13% , 13% , 14% , 14% , 15% , 15% , 16% , 16% , 17% , 17% , 18% , 18% , 19% , 19% , 20% , 21% , 21% , 22% , 22%
data 23% , 24% , 25% , 25% , 26% , 27% , 28% , 29% , 30% , 30% , 31% , 32% , 33% , 34% , 36% , 37% , 38% , 39% , 40% , 41% , 43%
data 44% , 45% , 47% , 48% , 50% , 51% , 53% , 54% , 56% , 58% , 60% , 61% , 63% , 65% , 67% , 69% , 72% , 74% , 76% , 78% , 81%
data 83% , 86% , 89% , 91% , 94% , 97% , 100%
data 5000% , 4000% , 3000% , 1000% , 1000% , 500% , 300% , 100% , 50% , 10%
AntwortenLöschenveröffentlichst du den Bascom-Programmcode auch?
Versuche was ähnliches zu bauen, scheitere aber an dem RC5-Verarbeiten ;(